Thursday, November 6, 2008


Journalism came into existence when reliable information was scarce. Nowadays, according to development of the mass media such as an Internet, people have the power to participate in communication through blogs and community groups in society. In this way, fundamental notions of journalism and journalist have changed in the world. As the invention of the technology, digital communication has continuously increased. Moreover, a new word, ‘citizen journalism’ by name, came into being. Advocates of citizen journalism argue that enforced ‘democratization’ of media undermines the need for, and therefore the power of, the mainstream media. Namely, all journalists are citizens are now journalist. Actually, view in the angle of public journalism, the news pattern of the existing journalism has laid stress on experts and elites, and relatively neglected citizens’ voice and concerns. Journalism to pursue citizen journalism should do a monitoring role by keeping a distance away from civil society.

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